July 19, 2004


After hearing Blond-Star (found through Harvey, here) I was inspired to create the service OnStar(bucks).

*This is dedicated to my Starbucks addicted friends.

Announcer: This is an actual recording of an OnStar(bucks) operator and a client.


Operator: Hello, OnStar(bucks), how may I help you… Jared?

Jared: Oh man. Am I glad I got a hold of you.

Operator: OK, just calm yourself and tell me what we can do for you.

Jared: Well, I was driving along and all of a sudden…

Operator: Yes?

Jared: I ran out of coffee! And I don’t have any more in the car and I don’t know where the nearest coffee is and I think I’m starting to get caffeine withdrawal and…

Operator: Sir. Sir. Please calm down. I can help. I’ve just notified the nearest Starbucks and ordered a double latte mocha grandé for you. It’ll be ready for you when you arrive. Now, here’s how you get there…

Announcer: Our personalized service will not only direct you to the nearest Starbucks, we can also pre-order your favorite drink to have it ready for you.

OnStar(bucks) is available on most new cars with cup holders.

OnStar(bucks). Because you never know when you will run out of coffee.

Posted by GEBIV at July 19, 2004 05:17 PM


Nice one :-D

Posted by: Harvey at July 20, 2004 02:20 PM

Oh My Goodness!! I need this, I need this now.


Posted by: Tammi at July 21, 2004 01:54 PM

The two hundred dollar model at Nespresso is the cure, yea verily. I was turned onto it by a Swiss friend with severe caffeine withdrawal, and it just got vicious from there. And you would have to work hard indeed to get a bad cup out of it....

Too bad it's too expensive to buy and extra for deployment. I'd get really popular really quickly.

Posted by: Chap at July 22, 2004 12:20 AM

Okay, how do I get this service!!! It sounds pretty essential to me!!! LOL!

Posted by: Teresa at July 22, 2004 12:48 PM
We are the best place to buy used cars online. We offer low, no-haggle prices and have a huge selection of used cars for sale. Search for a car repair service shop or mechanic near you. Read car reviews for all makes and models.Did you design this yourself, or did you outsource the work? Posted by: Barbara Tanning at January 12, 2005 12:30 PM
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