April 08, 2005


I tried out a new Chinese restaurant earlier this week for dinner. The food there was great. I'm a big fan of Kung Po Chicken, and they made it just the way I like it. The Lo Mein was also very good. I'll be going back soon.

The funny thing is, I like to read while I eat. And when I was done eating, I used the paper wrapper the chopsticks came in as a book-mark.

It's a few days later, and I just recently noticed the instructions printed on the wrapper.

On the front.

Welcome to Chinese Restaurant.
please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks
the traditional and typical of Chinese glonous history.
and cultual.


And then, on the back, instructing you in how to use them.

Learn how to use your chopsticks

Tuk under thurnb
and held firmly

Add second chcostick
hold it as you hold
a pencil

Hold tirst chopstick
in originai position
move the second
one up and down
Now you can pick
up anything:

Fortunately, I already knew how to use the chopsticks. So I wasn't confused by the Engrish instructions.

Still, it does make a good book-mark...

Posted by GEBIV at April 8, 2005 05:31 PM

God Avice!

Posted by: TNT at April 8, 2005 10:24 PM
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